Words from Jesus~taken from In Sinu Jesu ~ the journal of a priest at prayer.
"Entrust all things, great and small, to my Immaculate Mother. She will provide for you even as she provided for John My beloved disciple, by drawing out of her Heart the graces reserved there for you and for her priest sons. Live your consecration to My Mother in the practical details of your life. Allow her to form you and instruct you. You will begin to experience the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit in ways that you have never known before. Where My Mother is welcomed and allowed to do her work, the Holy Spirit is poured out in the greatest abundance, and the graces and charisms of the Holy Spirit flourish for the up-building of the Church... My Mother will be your Perpetual Help. I have made her the Mediatrix of all My graces. She is all-powerful over My Heart"- From In Sinu Jesu June 12, 2008