Pope Benedict's Father (Joseph Ratzinger Sr.- top left) was a German policeman and saw the rise of Hitler's socialism. He was very anti-Hitler and the family had to be relocated to stay out of danger from the ire of Hitler. He frequently read the Der Gerado Weg as it was a paper which became the mouthpiece of Catholic politics. The newspaper was a political newspaper which vigorously warned against Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Dr. Fritz Michael Gerlich (above right) was the editor-in-chief. He predicted the coming of Nazi concentration camps and genocides . In November 1932, Gerlich predicted that Hitler would plunge the German people into disaster with his “mass mania movement" and criticized the Nazi racial theory. After Hitler seized power on January 30, 1933, Gerlich was arrested on March 9, 1933 and beaten almost to death. His newspaper was banned four days later, he was tortured for fifteen months in Dauchau and murdered in the Dachau concentration camp on June 30, 1934. He had written in the newspaper: “National Socialism is a plague. It means: hostility toward neighboring countries, tyranny at home, civil war, international war. National Socialism means lying, hatred, fratricide, and boundless misery. Adolf Hitler proclaims the law of the lie. You who have fallen for the deception of a man obsessed with tyranny, awake! Germany, your fate and the fate of your children are at stake!"
AND SO I ask, Who does not know the history of Hitler? Who could possibly follow in his footsteps - anyone with any conscience at all....
SOCIALISM: State control and even state ownership are not necessarily Socialism: they become so only when they result in or tend towards the prohibition of private ownership not only of “natural monopolies”, but also of all the sources of wealth. ONE SHOULD NOT BE FORCED TO GIVE UP ONE'S PROPERTY - MAN HAS A RIGHT TO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. The Catholic Church is the greatest institution in the world to provide relief for the poor (and has done more than any other institution on earth) - for it does so with the Love of Jesus Christ.
Venezuela is battling this evil ideology. The Episcopal Conference of Venezuela invoked the Blessed Virgin, “Mother of Coromoto, heavenly Patron of Venezuela, free our country from the claws of communism and socialism,” as posted on Twitter , complete with an image of Santa Maria and a Venezuelan flag.