St. Brendan's Parish in Bellingham, MA has taken the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ to heart and a group of parishioners are going door to door, to all the homes in the boundaries of the Church, to evangelize and "Go out to all the world and bring the Good News!"
Deacon Dave Ghioni leads a holy hour on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. which started in June for a fruitful outcome to our parish visitation project. During the Holy Hour the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed.
One - DON'T MISS THE BOAT. We are all waiting for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. While we wait we must prepare ourselves, because when Christ's ship comes in, we all want to receive a boarding pass.
Two - REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME BOAT. We all have the same goal, to get to Heaven. All of us are on a journey and though all of our journeys may be different, we pray that they will all lead us to the same destination - Heaven.
Three - PLAN AHEAD - It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark. We don't know the day or the hour when Christ will return but we know that He will - so we can never let ourselves go for too long. We must do whatever it takes to keep ourselves in God's good graces.
Four - STAY FIT. When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big! Of course, it is always good to keep ourselves physically fit - we should take care of ourselves the best we can. But let us not forget to keep ourselves spiritually fit through prayer, worship and through the Sacraments - especially The Holy Eucharist and and Confession, so that when God calls us to do something we will be ready for the challenge.
Five - DON'T LISTEN TO CRITICS: just get on with the job that needs to be done. We must be ready for the people who will try to tell us that we are crazy to follow God. It may not be their idea of a good time or they may not even believe in God but we must not get distracted or perhaps even pulled completely away - we must keep our focus on God.
Six - BUILD YOUR FUTURE ON HIGH GROUND: Parents, adults, teachers of the faith - it is your responsibility to pass along the faith to your children, to your brothers and sisters, so they can build a solid foundation on which they will build their own spiritual futures. The stronger the foundation, the higher the structure they can build and when the flood waters of life come rushing in, they won't get washed away.
Seven - FOR SAFETY'S SAKE, TRAVEL IN PAIRS: Yes, we all know that it is always safer to travel in pairs than it is to travel alone. So as we go on our journeys, don't be afraid to bring a friend or two - remember! Whenever two or more are gathered in His name, He is there.
Eight - SPEED ISN'T ALWAYS AN ADVANTAGE: The snails were on board with the cheetahs. Take your time when you are walking with the Lord. Especially when you pray. I have heard many people - adults and children alike - who can recite the Lord's Prayer faster than I can blink an eye. Prayer is not a race! Savor every word and enjoy your time in conversation with the Lord. Don't rush it - embrace it.
Nine - WHEN YOU'RE STRESSED, FLOAT AWHILE. When you are stressed, bring your burdens to God and lay them all before Him. He will make your burdens light.
Ten - REMEMBER, THE ARK WAS BUILT BY AMATEURS - THE TITANIC BY PROFESSIONALS. It doesn't matter who you are or what your talents or even what your weaknesses may be. With God anything is possible.