First of all, What does this mean?
We, members of the Catholic church, suffer all the problems that everyone else suffers from covid issues: jobs terminated, health issues, relatives unable to gather and hug, grandparents unable to see their grandchildren, stores closed down, fear of contracting covid and giving it to others, frustration and discouragement, lockdowns, etc. - the list is long. However, the additional suffering during March, April and May (and still now in some places) of not being able to go to Church and receive Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, the deprivation of Confession, final anointing - and all the Sacraments is a cross almost too heavy to bear. It is a cross that faithful Catholics feel acutely and particularly, a cross that others do not share and can not comprehend. It is bitter, lonesome, frightful. Pondering this, one beholds Christ Crucified, suffering excruciating pains, panting and writhing in agony on the cross, though innocent taking upon Himself our punishment. The Church is Holy, Divine and human, the Spouse of Christ. We share in His suffering. He is asking us to carry this cross with love and to offer it to Him, through Mary, for the salvation of souls. There is so much to pray for - we are in dire need.
This too shall pass - and one day we will meet Him Face to face. May we all eagerly look to that day. As St. Junipero Serra often said, “Always Forward!" And the great JPII - “Be not afraid!"