1. When we surrender to her and we consecrate ourselves to Her, we set ourselves apart for God. She will then have free reign to guide us and lead us on our pilgrimage to our heavenly homeland.
2. She brings special gifts for souls consecrated to Her because they are open to her and willing to receive her graces.
3. Where Jesus is Mary is and where the Son is, the Mother is. Devotion to Mary brings the soul to a new dimension of the interior life as it grows in union with the Blessed Trinity. Can we adore Our Lord on Calvary without recognizing the presence of His Mother as She adores and compassionates Her Crucified Son? The soul who stands at Calvary under Our Lady’s mantle begins to grow exponentially and will receive new insights and abundant graces. The nature of a mother is to attend to the needs of her children. The Most Holy Immaculate Mother, our spiritual Mother, perfectly attends to every detail of our spiritual life. The more we surrender to her, the greater the wonders she bestows on our souls and the deeper the relationship with Her Son. For how can the most holy, perfect and tender Mother not give the best gift, Jesus Christ, to her children? Ave Maria!